ITILFND01 Service management as a practice :
The purpose of this unit is to help the candidate to define the concept of a service, and to comprehend and explain the concept of service management as a practice. Specifically, candidates must be able to:
01-1. Describe the concept of best practices in the public domain
01-2. Describe and explain why ITIL is successful
01-3. Define and explain the concept of a service
01-4. Define and explain the concept of internal and external customers
01-5. Define and explain the concept of internal and external services
01-6. Define and explain the concept of service management
01-7. Define and explain the concept of IT service management
01-8. Define and explain the concept of stakeholders in service management
01-9. Define processes and functions
01-10. Explain the process model and the characteristics of processes
The recommended study period for this unit is minimum 1 hour and 30 minutes.
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ITILFND02 The ITIL service lifecycle :
The purpose of this unit is to help the candidate to understand the value of the ITIL service lifecycle, how the processes integrate with each other, throughout the lifecycle and explain the objectives, scope and business value for each phase in the lifecycle Specifically, candidates must be able to:
02-2. Describe the structure of the ITIL service lifecycle
02-3. Account for the purpose, objectives and scope of service strategy
02-4. Briefly explain what value service strategy provides to the business
02-5. Account for the purpose, objectives and scope of service design
02-6. Briefly explain what value service design provides to the business
02-7. Account for the purpose, objectives and scope of service transition
02-8. Briefly explain what value service transition provides to the business
02-9. Account for the purpose, objectives and scope of service operation
02-10. Briefly explain what value service operation provides to the business
02-11. Account for the main purpose, objectives and scope of continual service improvement
02-12. Briefly explain what value continual service improvement provides to the business
It is recommended that this training is covered within other units.
The recommended study period for this unit is minimum 1 hour.
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The purpose of this unit is to help the candidate to define some of the key terminology and explain the key concepts of service management. Specifically, candidates must be able to define and explain the following key concepts:
03-1. Utility and warranty
03-2. Assets, resources and capabilities
03-3. Service portfolio
03-4. Service catalogue (both two-view and three-view types)
03-5. Governance
03-6. Business case
03-7. Risk management
03-8. Service provider
03-10. Supplier
03-11. Service level agreement (SLA)
03-12. Operational level agreement (OLA)
03-13. Underpinning contract
03-14. Service design package
03-15. Availability
03-16. Service knowledge management system (SKMS)
03-17. Configuration item (CI)
03-18. Configuration management system
03-19. Definitive media library (DML)
03-20. Change
03-21. Change types (standard, emergency and normal)
03-24. Event
03-25. Alert (Glossary)
03-26. Incident
03-27. Impact, urgency and priority
03-28. Service request
03-29. Problem
03-30. Workaround
03-31. Known error
03-32. Known error database (KEDB)
03-33. The role of communication in service operation
03-35. Release policy
03-36. Types of services
03-37. Change proposals
03-38. CSI register
03-39. Outcomes
03-40. Patterns of business activity
03-41. Customers and users
03-42. The Deming Cycle (plan, do, check, act)
It is recommended that this unit is covered as part of the training in the other
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