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    Service Transition

    Service Asset and Configuration Management


    SACM plays an important role in protecting the integrity of Service Assets and Configuration Items as well as provide accurate information about assets and Configuration Items that supports the service management processes.

    Purpose and Objectives

    Service Asset and Configuration Management is a process that manages the service assets in order to support other service management processes.

    The  purpose  of  the  Service  Asset  and  Configuration  Management  process  is  to ensure that the assets required to deliver services are properly controlled, and that accurate and reliable information about those assets is available when and where it is needed.

    The objectives of SACM are to:

    •              Ensure  that  assets  under  the  control  of the  IT organization  are  identified, controlled and properly cared for throughout their lifecycle

    •              Identify,   control,   record,   report,   audit   and   verify   service and   other configuration  items  (CIs),  including  versions,  baselines,  constituent components, their attributes and relationships

    •              Account  for,  manage  and  protect  the  integrity  of  CIs  through  the  service lifecycle by working with change management to ensure that only authorized components are used and only authorized changes are made

    •              Ensure the integrity of CIs and configurations required to control the services by establishing and maintaining an accurate and complete configuration management system (CMS)

    •              Maintain  accurate  configuration  information  on  the  historical,  planned  and current state of services and other CIs

    •              Support  efficient and effective  service management  processes  by providing accurate configuration information to enable people to make decisions at the right time


    Service assets that need to be managed in order to deliver services are known as configuration items (CIs). Other service assets may be required to deliver the service, but if they  cannot  be individually  managed  then  they are not configuration  items. Every CI is a service asset, but many service assets are not CIs.

    The scope  of SACM  includes  management  of the complete  lifecycle  of every  CI. Servic asset  and  configuration   managemen ensures   that  CIs  are  identified, baselined  and  maintained  and  that  changes  to  them  are  controlled.  The  scope includes interfaces to internal and external service providers where there are assets and configuration items that need to be controlled.


    The basic activities of Configuration Management are as follows:

    •              Control:  

    Ensuring  that only authorized  and identifiable  CIs are accepted  and recorded, from receipt to disposal. It ensures that no CIs are added, modified, replaced or removed without appropriate controlling documentation, e.g. an approved change request, and an updated specification.

    •              Planning:  

    Planning  and defining  the purpose,  scope,  objectives,  policies  and procedures as   well   as   the   organizational   and   tech-nica context,   for Configuration Management.

    •              Verification and Audit: 

    Configuration verification and audit comprises a series of reviews and audits that verify the physical existence of CIs, and checks that the CIs are correctly recorded in the CMDB and controlled libraries. It includes the verification of release and configuration documentation before changing the live environment.

    •              Status Accounting:  

    The reporting of all current and historical data of each CI throughout  its life cycle. This enables changes to CIs and their records to be traceable,  e.g.  tracking  the  status  of  a CI  as  ichanges  from  one  state  to another e.g. “under development”, “being tested”, live, or withdrawn”.

    •              Identification:  

    Selecting  and identifying  the configuration  structures  for all the infrastructure's    CIs,   including    th CI   “owner”,    thei relationships    and configuration documentation. This includes allocating identifiers and version numbers for CIs, labelling each item, and entering it in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB).

    CMS Components

    There   are  severa important   components   in  Service   Asset   and  Configuration

    •   Secure Library
    A collection  of software,  electronic  or document  CIs of a known  type  and status. Access to the secure library is restricted.

    •   Secure Store
    A warehouse for IT assets. The store maintains reliable access to equipment of known quality.

    •   Definitive Spares (DS)
    The physical storage of all spare IT components and assemblies maintained at the same level as within the live environment.

    •    Snapshot
    Snapshots  are documentation  of current state of Configuration  Items or an environment   which   serves   a a   fixed   historica record   for   Problem Management to analyze evidence as well as to facilitate system restore.

    The snapshot enables:

    •              Problem Management  to analyze evidence in respect of the situation pertaining to the time incidents actually occurred

    •   Facilitates system restore to support security scanning software


    There are two main roles within Service Asset and Configuration Management.

    •              Service   Asset   Manager:   Responsible   for   Asset   Management   System including the policy, plan, process, people, tools, reports in the system.

    •              Configuration  Manager:  Responsible  for Configuration  Management  System including policy, plan, process, people, tools, reports in the system.


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