• ITIL Process - Information Technology Infrastructure Library Process

    ITIL Processes - Lists 26 ITIL Processes :

    ITIL v3 has 26 processes which have been segregated into five process areas service strategy, service design, service transition, service operations, continual service improvement.

    Process is a sequence of activities which has some inputs, triggers, outputs and delivers specific outcomes to the customer.

    Service strategy process area has 5 processes:

    Strategy management for IT services:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as performing strategic assessment, generating strategy, executing strategy, measurement and evaluation.

    Demand management:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as identifying sources of demand and forecasting, analysing the patterns of business activity and user profiles, developing differentiated offerings and managing operational demand.

    Service portfolio management:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as definition of the services, analysis of the services, approval and chartering of services.

    Financial management for IT services:

    This process has 3 sequential activities which can be mentioned as budgeting, accounting and charging.

    Business relationship management:

    This process has 3 sequential activities which can be mentioned as request and complaints handling, opportunity identification, and managing business relationships.

    Service design process area has 8 processes:
    Service catalogue management:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as documenting service definition and description, agreeing service catalogue contents, and finally producing and maintaining service catalogue.

    Availability management:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as monitoring availability, analyse availability data, investigate service unavailability, availability planning, and finally review availability and testing.

    Information security management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as understanding security requirements, producing security policy, implementing security policy, assessing information assets and risks, and finally reviewing security controls.

    Service level management:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as understanding requirements and drafting SLA’s, negotiating the SLA’s, define and standardize the SLA’s, and finally monitor and report service performance.

    Capacity management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as monitor capacity and performance data, analyse the capacity data, investigate capacity issues, define and revise capacity plans, and finally review and optimize/improve capacity.

    Design coordination:

    This process has 4 sequential activities which can be mentioned as defining policies and methods, planning resources and capabilities, managing design risks, and finally improving service design.

    Supplier management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as defining requirements, evaluating suppliers, selection of suppliers, manage performance, and finally renew or terminate contracts.

    IT service continuity management:

    This process has 3 sequential activities which can be mentioned as develop requirements, develop continuity plans, implement continuity plans, and finally invoking the continuity plan.

    Service transition process area has 7 processes:
    Transition planning and support:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as definition of transition strategy, preparing for service transition, planning and coordinating service transition, and finally monitoring and reporting progress.

    Change management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as registration and categorization, risk and impact analysis, approval, coordinate change build and test, authorize change deployment, and finally review and close change record.

    Change evaluation:

    This process has 3 sequential activities which can be mentioned as plan evaluation, evaluation of predicted performance, and finally evaluating actual performance.

    Release and deployment management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as release planning, build and test release, deployment, early life support, and finally review and closure.

    Service asset and configuration management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as management and planning, CI identification, CI control, Status accounting and report, and finally verification and accounting.

    Service validation and testing:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as planning and designing tests, verifying test plans and designs, preparing test environments, performing tests, evaluating exit criteria, and finally cleaning test environments and closure.

    Knowledge management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as defining knowledge management strategy, identify and gather data sources, draft knowledge, technical review, editorial review, and finally publish.

    Service operation process area has 5 processes:
    Access management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as access requisition, verification and validation, provision of rights, monitoring the access, tracking the access and finally deprovisioning the access.

    Event management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as event notification, event detection, correlating and filtering events, categorization events, and finally event review and closure.

    Service request fulfillment:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as request registration, validating request, categorize and prioritize request, review and authorize request, and finally request closure.

    Incident management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as incident registration & categorization, prioritization, investigation and diagnosis, resolution, and finally closure.

    Problem management:

    This process has 5 sequential activities which can be mentioned as problem detection and logging, categorization, investigation and diagnosis, and finally resolution and closure of problem.

    Continual service improvement process area has 1 process:
    Seven step improvement: This process has seven sequential steps which can be mentioned as identify the strategy for improvement, define what you will measure, gather data, process data, analyse information and data, present and use information, and implement improvement.


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