• Continual Service Improvement Models and Processes in ITIL - ITIL Course

    Continual Service Improvement

    Models and Processes

    Models and processes are necessary in order to execute systematic and coordinated improvement activities.

    In Continual Service Improvement, several approaches and processes are identified to support the improvement of services and processes.

    Deming Cycle

    The Deming Cycle is described as below:

    •   Also known as Plan-Do-Check-Act

    •   Basis for quality management and improvement

    •              Quality management can be successful if management and staff are committed and aim to achieve the same goals.

    The Deming Cycle is critical at two points in CSI: implementation of CSIs, and for the application  of  CSI  to  services  and  service  management  processes.  At implementation, all four stages of the Deming Cycle are used. With ongoing improvement,  CSI draws on the check and act stages to monitor, measure, review and implement initiatives.

    The four key stages of Deming Cycle (Plan, Do, Check and Act) should be performed for quality improvement of a service.

    •   Plan
    ƒ    Scope of CSI

    ƒ    Objectives and requirements for CSI

    ƒ    Process activities to be developed

    ƒ    Framework of management roles and responsibilities

    ƒ             Methods and techniques to measure, assess, analyze and report on the quality,  effectiveness  and  efficiency  of  services  and  Service Management processes

    •   Do (implement)
    ƒ    Funding and budgets required to support CSI

    ƒ    Documenting and allocating of roles and responsibilities to work on CSI

    ƒ    Documenting and maintaining CSI policies, plans and procedures

    ƒ             Ensuring monitoring,  analysis, trend evaluating  and reporting tools are in place

    •   Check (monitor, measure and review CSI activities)
    ƒ             Monitoring, measuring and reviewing that the CSI objectives and plans are being achieved

    ƒ    Reporting against plans

    ƒ    Documenting review

    ƒ    Conducting process assessments and audits

    ƒ    Identifying and recommending CSI process improvement opportunities

    •   Act
    ƒ    Implementing the actual CSI enhancements

    ƒ    Updating CSI policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities

    The consolidation  phase enables the organization  to ensure that improvements  are embedded and thus prevents the ‘cycle’ from ‘rolling down the hill.

    CSI Model

    The CSI Model can be described as below:

    •   High-level approach for improving IT Service Management

    •   Assess current situation by asking critical questions, where, what and how

    •              Establish a baseline for all levels for future comparisons  of services carried out

    Improvement  projects  should  be  related  to  a  vision,  and  the  related  goals  and objectives of the IT organization. These will help to set priorities.

    A baseline assessment helps determining the current position of the organization or service.  This  can  be  used  for  later  comparison  to  see  if  the  improvement  effort actually brought what was expected.

    Improvement projects need realistic and measurable targets, without these, projects may lose focus and effectiveness.  Once the organization  has gained useful insight based on measurements  and targets set, the organization should plan and execute service and process improvements.

    Seven Step Improvement Process:  Overview

    Fundamental  to CSI is the concept of measurement.  The seven-step  improvement process is a crucial part of CSI.

    It is obvious that all the activities of the improvement process assist CSI in some way. It is relatively  simple  to identify  what  takes  place  but more  difficult  to understand exactl how  this  will  happen.   The  improvement   process   spans   not  only  the management  organization  but the entire service  lifecycle.  This is a cornerstone  of CSI, the main steps of which are as follows:

    1 Identify the strategy for improvement
    Identify  the overall vision, business  need, the strategy  and the tactical and operational goals

    2.   Define what you will measure
    Service  strategy  and service  design  should  have identified  this information early in the lifecycle. CSI can then start its cycle all over again at ‘Where are we now? and ‘Where do we want to be?’ This identifies the ideal situation for both  the  business  and  IT. CSI  can conduct  a gap  analysis  to identify  the opportunities for improvement as well as answering the question ‘How do we get there?’

    3 Gather the data
    In order to properly answer the question ‘Did we get there?’, data must first be gathered  (usually  through  service  operations).  Data  can  be gathered  from many different sources based on goals and objectives identified. At this point the data is raw and no conclusions are drawn.

    4 Process the data
    Here  the  data  is  processed  in  alignment  with  the  critical  success  factors (CSFs) and KPIs specified. This means that timeframes are coordinated, unaligned data is rationalized and made consistent, and gaps in the data are identified.  The  simple  goal  of  this  step  is  to  process  data  from  multiple disparate  sources  to give it context  that can be compared.  Once we have rationalized the data we can begin analysis.

    5 Analyze the information and data
    As we bring the data more and more into context it evolves from raw data into information where we can start to answer questions about who, what, when, where and how as well as trends and the impact on the business.  It is the analyzing  step  that  is  most  often  overlooked  or  forgotten  in  the  rush  to present data to management.

    6 Present and use the information
    Here the answer  to ‘Did we get there?’  is formatted  and communicated  in whatever way necessary to present to the various stakeholders  an accurate picture of the results of the improvement  efforts. Knowledge is presented to the business in a form and manner that reflects their needs and assists them in determining the next steps.

    7 Implement improvement
    The knowledge gained is used to optimize, improve and correct services and processes. Issues have been identified and now solutions are implemented – wisdom is applied to the knowledge. The improvements that need to be taken to improve  the service  or process  are communicated  and explained  to the organization. Following this step the organization establishes a new baseline and the cycle begins anew.

    Seven Step Improvement Process:  Purpose and objectives

    The purpose of the seven-step  improvement  process is to define and manage the steps needed  to identify,  define,  gather,  process,  analyze,  present  and implement improvements.

    The objectives of the seven-step improvement process are to:

    •   Identify opportunities for improving services, processes, tools etc.

    •              Reduce the cost of providing services and ensuring that IT services enable the required business outcomes to be achieved.

    •              Identify  what  needs  to  be  measured,  analyzed  and  reported  to  establish improvement opportunities.

    •              Continually  review service achievements  to ensure they remain matched  to business  requirements;  continually  align and re-align  service  provision  with outcome requirements.

    •              Understand  what to measure, why it is being measured and carefully define the successful outcome.

    Improvements  in quality should not be implemented if there is a cost associated for the improvement and if this cost has not been justified. Every potential improvement opportunity will have to have a business case justification to show that the business will have an overall benefit. For small initiatives the business case does not have to be a full blown report but could be a simple justification. The seven-step improvement process is not free-standing and will only achieve its desired outcomes when applied to technology, services, processes, organization or partners.

    Seven Step Improvement Process (Scope)

    The seven-step improvement process includes analysis of the performance and capabilities of services, processes throughout the lifecycle, partners and technology. It includes the continual alignment of the portfolio of IT services with the current and future business needs as well as the maturity of the enabling IT processes for each service.

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