• Service Transition Knowledge Management in ITIL - ITIL Course

    Service Transition

    Knowledge Management


    Knowledge  Management  handles  variety  of  knowledge  in  the  forms  of  data, information and experience.

    Knowledge  Management  ensures  that valuable  knowledge  is stored and managed for ease of future reference.

    Purpose and Objectives

    The purpose  of Knowledge  Management  is to ensure  that the right information  is delivered  to the appropriate  place  or person  at the right  time  to enable  informed decision.

    The objectives of Knowledge Management are as follows:

    •              Improve the quality of management decision-making by ensuring that reliable and secure knowledge, information and data is available

    •              Enable the service provider to increase efficiency, quality and satisfaction and reduce costs by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge

    •              Ensure that staff have a clear and common understanding  of the value that their services provide to customers

    •   Maintain a service knowledge management system (SKMS)

    •              Gather, analyse, store, share, use and maintain knowledge, information and data


    Knowledge management is a whole lifecycle-wide process in that it is relevant to all lifecycle stages and hence is referenced throughout ITIL from the perspective of each publication.  It is dealt with to some  degree  within other ITIL publications,  but this section sets out the basic concept, from a service transition focus.

    Knowledge  management  includes  oversight  of the management  of knowledge,  the information and data from which that knowledge derives.

    DIKW Model

    Knowledge  Management  is important  for  all  lifecycle  stages  as  it aims  to initiate improvement in all areas within the lifecycle via recorded experiences.  The basis of Knowledge Management lies within the DIKW Model.

    DIKW Model stands for:
    •   Data is a set of discrete facts about events.
    •   Information is generated when context us added to data.
    •              Knowledge  is  tacit  experiences,  ideas,  insights,  values  and  judgements  of individuals.
    •              Wisdom is the ultimate understanding of the material and allows decisions to be made based on common sense and insight.

    Service  Knowledge Management System

    Servic Knowledge   Management   Syste (SKMS covers   broade aspects   of Knowledge  Management,  creates  knowledge  from  data,  and  facilitates  decision- making.

    In order to deliver the required knowledge effectively, a relevant architecture matched to the organizational situation and the knowledge requirements is essential. This means:

    •   Creating and regularly updating a Service Management information model
    that enables the creation, use and sharing of information that is flexible, timely and cost-effective

    •              Defining systems that optimize the use of the information while maintaining data and information integrity

    Adopting data classification  schemes that are in use across the organization,  and if necessary   negotiating   changes   to  enable   them   to  deliver   within   the  Service Management area.

    SKMS also covers:

    •   Records of the experiences of staff in performing various skills

    •   Records of peripheral matters

    •   Supplier and partner requirements, abilities and expectations

    •   Typical and anticipated user skills level

    Implementation of a Service Knowledge Management System helps reduce the costs of maintaining and managing the services, by increasing the efficiency of operational management  procedures  and by reducing  risks that arise from the lack of proper mechanisms.


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