• Service Operation Introduction in ITIL - ITIL Course

    Service Operation 



    The Service Operation stage manages the Service providers’ performance.

    Purpose and Objectives

    Service  Operation  provides  improvement  activities  as  well  as  supports  all  other lifecycles on a day-to-day basis.

    The purpose of the service operation stage of the service lifecycle is to coordinate and carry out the activities and processes required to deliver and manage services at agreed levels to business users and customers.

    The objectives of Service Operation are:

    •   Handle day-to-day operation of Services.

    •              Coordinate  and carry out the activities  and process  required  to deliver and manage services.

    •              Responsible  for the ongoing management  of the technology  that is used to deliver and support services.


    ITIL Service  Operation  describes  the processes,  functions,  organization  and tools used to underpin the ongoing activities required to deliver and support services.

    This includes:

    •   The services themselves
    Activities that form part of a service are included in service operation, whether it is performed  by the service  provider,  an external  supplier  or the user or customer of that service.

    •   Service management processes
    The ongoing management  and execution  of the many service management processes that are performed in service operation. Even though a number of ITIL processes (such as change and capacity management)  originate at the service design or service transition stage of the service lifecycle, they are in use continually in service operation.

    •    Technology
    All services require some form of technology to deliver them. Managing this technology is not a separate issue, but an integral part of the management of the services themselves.

    •    People
    Regardless  of what services, processes  and technology  are managed,  they are all about people. It is people who drive the demand for the organization’s services and products and it is people who decide how this will be done.


    Good  communication  is the  basis  of a successful,  effective  and  efficient  Service Operation lifecycle.

    Communications with the following bodies are vital:

    •   Communication with customers/end users

    •   Communication with Continual Service Improvement

    •   Communication with suppliers

    •   Communication with other Service Management process

    Value to Business

    The Service Operation lifecycle is the stage where the services are actually delivered. Hence  the performance  of the Service  Operation  is vital to the success  of the IT organization  or  service  provider.  Customers  see  the  actual  value  in  the  Service Operation.


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