• Service Design IT Service Continuity Management in ITIL - ITIL Course

    Service Design IT Service Continuity Management in ITIL - ITIL Course 

    Service Design IT Service Continuity Management in ITIL - ITIL Course 

    Service Design

    IT Service Continuity Management


    The IT Service Continuity Management process ensures that the required IT facilities can  be  recovered  after  a  disaster  within  the  required  and  agreed  business  time scales.


    The purpose of IT Service Continuity Management (ITSCM) is to support the overall Business   Continuity   Managemen process   by   ensurin that   the   required   IT infrastructure  and  the  IT  service  provision  can  be  recovered  within  required  and agreed upon business timeframes.

    It plays a role in raising awareness of continuity and recovery requirements,  and to justify  and  implement   Business  Continuity  Management   process  and  Business Continuity Plans.


    Objectives of IT Service Continuity Management (ITSCM) are:

    •   Maintain a set of IT Service Continuity Plan and IT recovery plans.

    •   Complete regular Business Impact Analysis (BIA) exercises.

    •   Provide advice and guidance to all other areas of business and IT.

    •   Ensure appropriate continuity and recovery mechanisms are out in place.

    •   Assess  the impact  of all changes  on the IT Service  Continuity  Plans and IT
    recovery plans.

    •              Ensure  proactive  measures  are taken  to improve  the availability  of services implemented.

    •   Negotiate and agree to the necessary contracts with suppliers.


    ITSCM focuses on those events that the business considers significant enough to be treated as a 'disaster'.

    The ITSCM process includes:

    •   The agreement of the scope of the ITSCM process and the policies adopted

    •   BIA to quantify the impact loss of IT service would have on the business

    •              Ris assessment    and   management.    the   risk   identification    and   risk assessment to identify potential threats to continuity and the likelihood of the threats becoming reality. This also includes taking measures to manage the identified threats where this can be cost justified. The approach to managing these threats will form the core of the ITSCM strategy and plans

    •              Production of an overall ITSCM strategy that must be integrated into the BCM strategy. This can be produced following the BIA and the development of the risk assessment, and is likely to include elements of risk reduction as well as selection of appropriate and comprehensive recovery options

    •   Production of an ITSCM plan, which again must be integrated with the overall
    BCM plans

    •   Testing of the plans

    •   Ongoing operation and maintenance of the plans.

    Business Impact Analysis

    The purpose of a BIA is to quantify the impact to the business that loss of service would have.

    This  impact  could  be  a  ‘hard’  impact  that  can  be  precisely  identified  –  such  as financial loss or ‘soft’ impact such as public relations, moral, health and safety or loss of competitive advantage.

    The BIA will identify the most important services to the organization and will therefore be a key input to the strategy.

    Risk Assessment

    This is an assessment of the level of threat and the extent to which an organization is vulnerable to that threat.

    Risk assessment can also be used in assessing and reducing the chance of normal operational incidents and is a technique used by availability management to ensure the required availability and reliability levels can be maintained.

    Risk assessment is also a key aspect of information security management.

    A number of risk assessment  and management  methods are available for both the commercial and government sectors. Risk assessment is the assessment of the risks that may give rise to service  disruption  or security  violation.  Risk management  is concerned  with  identifying  appropriate  risk  responses  or  cost-justifiable countermeasures to combat those risks.


    The responsibilities of an IT Service Continuity Manager include:

    •   Perform Business Impact Analysis for all services

    •              Implement  and  maintain  the  ITSCM  process  and  represent  the  IT  services function within the Business Continuity Management.

    •   Develop and maintain all ITSCM plans, risks and activities.

    •   Perform risk assessment and risk management.

    •   Manage the IT Service Continuity Plan while in operation.

    •   Maintain a comprehensive IT testing schedule.

    •   Communicate and maintain awareness of ITSCM objectives.

    •   Conduct regular reviews of Continuity Plans.

    •   Negotiate and manage contracts with providers.

    •   Assess changes  that have impact on IT Service Continuity  and IT Continuity

    •   Attend CAB meetings.


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