• Service Design Capacity Management in ITIL - ITIL Course

    Service Design Capacity Management in ITIL - ITIL Course 

    Service Design Capacity Management in ITIL - ITIL Course 

    Service Design

    Capacity Management

    Purpose and Objectives

    Capacity Management ensures cost justifiable IT capacity exists to meet current and future business needs. Capacity Management also ensures that there is adequate IT capacity to perform IT activities and processes, and available capacity is optimized.

    The purpose of Capacity Management  is to ensure the current and future capacity and performance demands of customer regarding IT service provision are delivered against justifiable costs.

    Objectives of Capacity Management include the following:

    •   Produce and maintain appropriate and updated Capacity Plan.

    •   Provide advice and guidance on all capacity- and performance-related  issues.

    •   Ensure service performance meet or exceed agreed targets.

    •              Assist  with  diagnosis  and  resolution  of  performance-   and  capacity-related incidents and problems.

    •              Ensure  proactive   measures   to  improv the  performanc of  services   are implemented.

    Capacity Management is the process that manages:

    •   The right capacity
    •   At the right location
    •   At the right moment
    •   For the right customer
    •   Against the right costs


    The capacity management  process should be the focal point for all IT performance and capacity issues.

    The capacity management process should include:

    •              Monitoring  patterns  of business  activity  through  performance,  utilization  and throughput of IT services and the supporting infrastructure, environmental, data and applications components and the production of regular and ad hoc reports on service and component capacity and performance

    •   Undertaking  tuning  activities  to  make  the  most  efficient  use  of  existing  IT

    •              Understanding  the  agreed  current  and  future  demands  being  made  by  the customer for IT resources, and producing forecasts for future requirements

    •   Influencing   deman in  conjunctio with  the  financial   managemen for  IT
    services and demand management processes

    •              Producing  a  capacity  plan  that  enables  the  service  provider  to  continue  to provide services of quality defined in SLAs and that covers a sufficient planning timeframe  to  meet  future  service  levels  required  as  defined  in  the  service portfolio and SLRs

    •              Assisting  with the identification  and resolution  of any incidents  and problems associated with service or component capacity or performance

    •              The proactive improvement  of service or component performance,  wherever it is cost justifiable and meets the needs of the business


    Capacity Management contains sub-process with distinct functions of each. The sub-processes are:
    •              Business  Capacity  Management:  

    This  sub-process  translate  business  needs and plans into requirements for service and IT infrastructure.

    •              Service   Capacit Management 

    This  sub-process   manages,   control and predicts  the end-to-end  performance  and capacity  of the live, operational  IT services usage and workloads.

    •              Component  Capacity  Management:  

    This sub-process  manages,  controls  and predicts  the performance,  utilization  and capacity  of individual  IT technology components.

    Some important concepts are:

    •              Demand  Management:  Influence  user and customer  demand  for IT services and manage the impact on IT components.

    •              Modeling:  

    Predict  the  behavior  of  computer  systems  by  making  estimates based  on  experience  and  current  component  utilization  information,  to  pilot studies, prototypes and full-scale benchmarks. Some modeling techniques are as follows:

    ƒ             Baselining:  

    This is the first stage in modeling,  creating a baseline  model that accurately reflects the process being achieved.

    ƒ             Trend  analysis:  

    This  can  be  performed  on  component  utilization  and service performance information.

    ƒ             Analytical models: These are representations  of the behavior of computer systems using mathematical techniques.

    ƒ             Simulation modeling: This involves the modeling of discrete events, sizing new applications and predicting the effects of changes on existing applications.

    •              Application Sizing: Estimate the resource requirements  to support a proposed change to an existing service or the implementation of a new service.

    •              Capacity  Plan: Outlines  the IT resources  and funding  needed  to support  the business plan as well as cost justification of expenditures.

    •              The Capacity Management  Information  System (CMIS): Holds the information needed by all sub-processes within Capacity Management.


    Some of the tasks of a Capacity Manager include:

    •              Ensure  adequate  IT Capacity,  senior  IT management  accurately  advised  on how to match Capacity and Demand, and optimize existing Capacity.

    •   Identify capacity requirements with Service Level Management.

    •   Understand the current usage of the infrastructure and IT services.

    •   Performing sizing on all proposed new services and systems.

    •   Predicting future capacity requirements based on trends.

    •   Produce, conduct regular review and revise the Capacity Plan.

    •              Ensure appropriate levels of monitoring resources and system performance are set.

    •   Analysis and reporting of usage and performance data.

    •   Ensure that all changes are assessed.

    •   Conduct performance testing of new services and systems.

    •   Determines performance service levels.

    •   Act as a focal point for all capacity and performance issues.


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